vpdn group ppp authentication pap – Expert Network Consultant https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com Networking | Cloud | DevOps | IaC Sat, 03 Aug 2019 23:18:17 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.5 Configure Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough https://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/expert-approach-in-successfully-networking-devices/configure-cisco-asa-5506-x-for-pppoe-passthrough/ Sat, 03 Aug 2019 23:18:17 +0000 http://www.expertnetworkconsultant.com/?p=3204 Continue readingConfigure Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough]]> Let’s face it, you are reading this article in order to Configure Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough because you may need to replace your standard ISP router. Although ISP Routers do a good job, there is always the need to use a dedicated device which suits your requirements. Unlike some popular routers on the Market, the Cisco ASA 5506 as well as the older ASA 5505 do not have support for ADSL.

Other popular routers like the 887va and 1914 come with SHDSL modules to cater for your PPPoE needs but it is not the case for the most loved Cisco ASA Security Devices. Cisco always cater for the business requirement at hand and so has provisioned a way to configure a PPPoE passthrough for your network in order to terminate connectivity to the trusted network device.

Configure Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough

The following picture shows the Cisco ASA 5506 with a BT OpenReach Fibre FTTC Modem which perfoms the PPPoE passthrough for the Cisco ASA 5506-X. Look at the setup below;

Figure 1.0 – Cisco ASA 5506-X with BT OpenReach Fibre Modem for PPPoE Passthrough
Configure Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough

Now let us connect our Cisco ASA 5506 to the BT OpenReach Fibre Modem or the product you have for your location. The setup will always be similar to what is in the following drawing. Select the following interfaces on your Cisco ASA 5506-X and connect them up the way it is laid out in the drawing below;

  1. Connect Interface X to LAN Network (In this scenario your laptop)
  2. Connect Interface Y to Fibre Modem (In this Scenario your BT OpenReach Fibre Modem)
  3. Connect DSL Line to DSL port on Fibre Modem

Figure 1.1 – How to setup Cisco ASA 5506-X for BT OpenReach Fibre Modem Passthrough


Figure 1.2 – Configure Inside Interface and Outside Interface on Cisco ASA 5506-X

I have chosen interface GigabitEthernet1/1 blue ethernet cable for my LAN Network and interface GigabitEthernet1/8 yellow ethernet cable for my Outside PPPoE Passthrough.

Inside Interface Outside Interface IP Address PPPoE SetRoute

Follow the Instructions below to get your Cisco ASA 5506-X Up and running as PPPoE Passthrough.

Interface Configuration for Inside Network

interface GigabitEthernet1/1
 description "Inside Network LAN Interface"
 nameif lansubnet
 security-level 100
 ip address

Interface Configuration for Outside Network over PPPoE

interface GigabitEthernet1/8
 nameif outside
 security-level 0
 pppoe client vpdn group EE
 ip address pppoe setroute

IP Scope and DNS for Connecting Clients

dhcpd address lansubnet
dhcpd dns interface lansubnet
dhcpd enable lansubnet

Permit Pings to test connectivity once you have completed configuring the Cisco ASA 5506-X for PPPoE Passthrough

access-list 100 extended permit icmp any any
access-list from_outside extended permit icmp any any echo

Configure NAT for LAN to Reach Public Internet

nat (lansubnet,outside) after-auto source dynamic any interface

PPPoE Configuration – Use Chap for Fibre and PAP for ADSL

vpdn group EE request dialout pppoe
vpdn group EE localname pppoeusername.orangehome.co.uk@fs
vpdn group EE ppp authentication chap | pap | mschap 
vpdn username pppoeusername.orangehome.co.uk@fs password *****

Bonus PPPoE Configuration Sample for BT Customers

vpdn group BT request dialout pppoe
vpdn group BT localname bthomehub@btinternet.com
vpdn group BT ppp authentication pap
vpdn username bthomehub@btinternet.com password 
dhcpd dns interface pppoe

Configure DNS

dns domain-lookup outside
dns server-group DefaultDNS

SSH Configuration

!This configuration tells the firewall to expect and accept SSH from Subnet via Gig1/1
ssh  lansubnet

Verification Commands

show ip address outside pppoe
show route
show vpdn session pppoe state
show vpdn session pppoe packets
show vpdn tunnel pppoe summary
show vpdn pppinterface

Results of verification commands based on debug output

ciscoasa# show ip address outside pppoe

PPPoE Assigned IP addr: on Interface: outside
   Remote IP addr:
ciscoasa# show route

Codes: L - local, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP
       D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
       N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2
       E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
       i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
       ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route
       o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static route, + - replicated route
Gateway of last resort is to network

S* [1/0] via, outside
C is directly connected, lansubnet
L is directly connected, lansubnet

ciscoasa# show vpdn session pppoe state

PPPoE Session Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)

SessID TunID Intf     State       Last Chg
 2458      3 outside  SESSION_UP  1846 secs

ciscoasa# show vpdn session pppoe packets

PPPoE Session Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)

LocID RemID TunID Pkts-In   Pkts-Out  Bytes-In  Bytes-Out
 2458     3     47153     37838  35440125  22334650

ciscoasa# show vpdn tunnel pppoe summary

PPPoE Tunnel Information (Total tunnels=1 sessions=1)

LocID Intf       Remote MAC      Sessions
    3 outside 40:7c:7d:b3:79:94:        1

ciscoasa# show vpdn pppinterface

PPP virtual interface id = 1
PPP authentication protocol is CHAP
Server ip address is
Our ip address is
Transmitted Pkts: 37240, Received Pkts: 47213, Error Pkts: 0
MPPE key strength is None
  MPPE_Encrypt_Pkts: 0,  MPPE_Encrypt_Bytes: 0
  MPPE_Decrypt_Pkts: 0,  MPPE_Decrypt_Bytes: 0
  Rcvd_Out_Of_Seq_MPPE_Pkts: 0


Cisco addresses known issues in their forum on this subject concerning Configuring Cisco ASA 550-X for PPPoE Passthrough.
